
短语录 14 0

1、valuable, valued

這兩個形容詞有時侯可以換用,尤其是在形容友誼、援助等方面表示"寶貴的或珍貴的"的意思時,常可以通用。例如:this valuable (or: valued) friendship between us should be kept on forever. 我們之間的這種珍貴的友誼應當永遠保持下去。he is our valuable (or: valued) friend. 他是我們的摯友。

valuable是一個純形容詞,它主要指珠寶、黃金等"貴重的,值錢的";它也可用來形容人的品質或特徵等是"令人欽佩的"或"受人尊重的"的意思。例如:he lost a valuable diamond.他丟失了一顆貴重的鑽石。she is the most valuable player.她是一位最受尊敬的運動員。

valued儘管也被有的詞典收錄為形容詞,但它是動詞value的過去分詞形式,多少還帶有些過去分詞完成或被動的含義。因此,它的主要意義是指"已有評價的,經估價的"和"受重視的,受敬重的"。例如:this is a painting valued at ten thousand dollars.這是一幅估價一萬的畫。rents were refused above the "valued rent" scale.超過"評定租金"等級的租金被拒絕繳納。the friendship of the two countries was old and valued.兩國間的友誼歷史悠久並受到珍視。
2、varied, various, variable

這三個形容詞的詞義互相滲透,它們之間的含義和用法有同有異,因此,往往容易混淆。 varied和various都可以指同一範疇的不同種類,在表示"各種各樣,各不相同的"意思時,一般可以換用,只是前者側重於"不同"的含義,後者則側重於種類數目的"多"。

various作定語時,其後只能接複數名詞;而varied還有"形形色色,多變化的"的意思,這時它既可接單數名詞亦可接複數名詞。試比較:their opinions are varied. 他們的意見紛紜。(可用various換之,但varied強調了意見的"不同")representatives from various parts of the countryhave arrived in beijing. 全國各地的代表到達了北京。(可用varied代替,但various強調了地區的數目)various people declared they had seen the lost child, but few could give a definite description of him.很多人自稱看見了那個失蹤的孩子,但很少人能說清楚他的樣子。(此句various"多"的數目概念更顯然,不可用varied代替)the various life made her satisfied.那種豐富多彩的生活令她心滿意足。the work of a jp (justice of the peace) is very interesting and varied.治安官的工作是非常有趣和內容多變的。

variable指自然現象(如氣候等),人的情緒或脾氣性格"多變的,易變的"或"反覆無常的"。它還有"可變的(able to be changed)"的意思。必須注意,形容詞varied有一種"改變了的,更改了的(having been changed) "的意思,顯然有完成了的意味,因此決不可與variable混淆。

在古英語中,various也有"易變的(easy to be changed)"的意思。試比較:the variable weather tires us.多變的天氣使人感到討厭。her variable mood greatly surprised me.她反覆無常的情緒使我感到極為吃驚。the speed of the windscreen wipers is variable.汽車擋風玻璃上刮水器的速度是可變的。our plan is varied.我們的計劃更改了。

3、vary in, vary with, vary from

這三個短語動詞中的in, with和from均為介詞,其後須跟名詞作賓語。由於動詞vary後的介詞不同,各短語的含義也有別。介詞in, with,和from與其前的動詞連繫並不密切。

vary in中的in表示方面,即"在……方面"的含義,整個短語表示"在……方面不同"的意思。例如:stars vary in brightness.星星的光亮度各不相同。the two pairs of clothes vary in price.這兩套衣服在價格上是不同的。

vary with中的with表示伴隨,整個短語表示"隨……不同而不同,隨……而改變"的意思。例如:the weight of a body varies with latitude and altitude, its mass does not.物體的重量隨所處的經緯度而變化,而質量則與此無關。the prices of some goods vary with the season.某些貨物的價格隨著季節而變化。

vary from中的from表示比較,整個短語表示"與……不同,違反"的意思,有比較的意味。例如:it varies from the original.它與原作不同。this action varies from the law of nature.這種做法違反了自然規律。

4、visit, visit with

visit作及物動詞用時,其後跟人,地方等名詞作賓語,表示"訪問,看望(某人),參觀(某地)"的意思。間或用於被動語態,表示"遭受"的意思。例如:her two girl cousins are visiting her from san francisco.她的兩個表姐將從舊金山來看望她。he visited, in all, five schools in china.他在中國共參觀了五所學校。last year guangzhou was visited by the worst drought in 60 years.去年廣州遭受了六十年不遇的特大旱災。

visit with中的visit是不及物動詞,同介詞with一起構成及物動詞詞組。它有兩個意思:1."訪問,看望",等於及物動詞visit;2."與……敘談,與……聊天",相當於chat with或talk with,其with後只可接表示人的名詞。visit with的這兩種意義都見於美國。例如:the doctor regularly visited with her in the afternoon.大夫定期在下午來看望她。after going over the art exhibition, we visited with a painter for a while.參觀了藝術展覽會後,我們和一位畫家交談了一會兒。
5、very, much, most


very用來修飾形容詞和副詞,應置於被修飾詞之前。 much用來修飾動詞,一般置於句末,但在否定句中及與某些動詞如:enjoy, prefer, admire, regret等連用時,也可置於動詞前。如:i am very fond of painting and i am very active in our school's art club.我很喜歡畫畫,並且積極參加學校的藝術俱樂部。he has learnt the language very quickly.他學習語言十分快。the naughty boy troubles me much.這個淘氣的男孩老是煩我。i don't much like the idea.我並不十分贊成這個主意。i much admire your new invention.我非常欣賞你的新發明。

very常用來修飾現在分詞,much 常用來修飾過去分詞。但有些過去分詞如delighted, disappointed, excited, frightened, interested, pleased, satisfied, surprised, tired, worried 等,已轉化為純粹的形容詞,失去了動作意義,這一類完全形容詞化的過去分詞均可用very修飾。例如:the puppy looks very pleasing.這小狗看上去很可愛。we are much puzzled at the result.我們對結果十分驚奇。are you very disappointed about losing the race?你是否對在比賽中失利很失望?

very只能修飾形容詞與副詞的原級,而much可修飾形容詞與副詞的比較級和最高級。例如:i paid much more than i should.我付的錢比我應付的錢要多得多。that novel is much the best of all.那本小說是所有小說中最好的。

very much是much的加強語,其用法與much相同,但在疑問句中多用much,不用very much。例如:we were very much moved.我們被深深地感動了。we very much enjoyed that concert.我們非常喜歡那場音樂會。do you go out much?你經常外出嗎?did she like that film much?她是否非常喜歡那部電影?

very不能修飾只作表語的形容詞,如:afraid, alive, alone, asleep, awake等。這些表語形容詞中的有些詞可用much修飾,另一些則須和其他幾個固定的副詞搭配使用。例如:i'm much afraid that you have given her too little care.我恐怕你給她的關心太少了。i'm fully awake now.我現在完全醒了。he is all alone here.他在這裡獨來獨往。 

most可用在部分形容詞及副詞前表示"非常,很",作此意義的most前不能加定冠詞the。但當most修飾形容詞時,前面可以有不定冠詞a。例如:they have been most kind to me.他們一直對我很好。(most修飾形容詞時)she is a most beautiful woman.她是一個十分漂亮的女人。(most前可加不定冠詞)she'll most probably go there and live with her son.她很可能去那兒和她的兒子一起住。(most修飾副詞)

注意:most並不能修飾所有的形容詞與副詞,它只能修飾那些表達個人感情與主觀看法的形容詞與副詞,不能修飾表示客觀看法的形容詞與副詞。如可說most dangerous, most happy, most warmly,不可說most big, most tall, most quickly。

6、vague, ambiguous, obscure


vague:"不清楚的,含糊的,模糊的",由於光線暗淡而造成輪廓不清;指事物過於籠統無法表述清楚,用來描述故意被人說得模稜兩可的事物。i have not the vaguest notion of where i left my umbrella.我絲毫想不起把雨傘放在哪兒了。he saw the vague shape of someone coming through the mist.他看見一個模糊的身影正從霧中走來。because of his strong accent, his speech is vague and hard for me to understand.由於他強烈的地方口音,他的演講對我來說非常模糊難懂。she's so vague that i can never understand what she's trying to say.她這樣含糊其詞,我根本弄不清她究竟想說什麼。

ambiguous:"含糊的,模稜兩可的",指對同一表達方式有兩種或兩種以上的解釋,但無法推斷是其中的哪一種。the sentence is ambiguous in sense, which makes the whole paragraph hard to understand.這個句子的意思模稜兩可,這使得整個段落都令人費解。he kept making ambiguous remarks instead of straight forward yes-or-no replies.他那模稜兩可的回答使我們無法確定其真正意見。the ambiguous reply enabled him to say either "yes"or "no "without making himself embarrassed.這模稜兩可的答覆使他無論答"是"還是說"否"都不會受窘。

obscure:"含糊的,不清楚的,朦朧的",指物體或觀點不清楚,不明確,往往難以理解或無法看清。i haven't the slightest idea of what he means because his explanation is obscure to me.我絲毫不知道他想說什麼,因為他的解釋對我來說不夠清楚。there's more obscure poems written and printed every year than clear ones.每年寫出和印出的詩歌,晦澀的遠比明晰的多。translating an obscure piece of writing is even more painstaking than writing it directly.翻譯一篇晦澀的作品要比直接寫一篇更費苦心。
